
How do we close high value transactions and negotiations with the best deal?

How do we anticipate, mitigate and shape political, social and economic outcomes?

How do we manage stakeholder complexity – competing perceptions, interests and capabilities – to shape good outcomes?

What does the outcome look like currently?

Can we forge agreement on commercial negotiations, anticipate regulations or influence political outcomes?

What are likely scenarios, risks and uncertainties?

Can we test potential tactics in advance to find the winning strategy?


The US State Department finds “of the various models tested by the Bureau . . . SENTURION performed with the highest level of accuracy and granularity . . . at over 90% for baseline projections”

Declassified evaluations by the US Intelligence Community finds analyst and expert predictions are right less than 50% of the time in complex scenarios, but ACERTAS’ approach is accurate above 85% of the time

The US Intelligence Community selected ACERTAS’ strategy simulation platform, SENTURION, as the number one predictive capability in the world – clients include US Government and corporate clients

Corporate executives employ ACERTAS analytics to anticipate events and shape strategy and outcomes, for better and faster results than competitors



Advisory Contracts Litigation Disputes Policy
Strategy Negotiations IP Infringement Trade Unions Political Risk
M&A Joint Ventures Investment Manufacturing Legislation
Re-orgs Bidding Financial Liability Strikes Regulation
Alignment Licensing Enviorment Entertainment Lobbying