AI 4 IA artificial intelligence for intelligence augmentation

ACERTAS delivers augmented decision intelligence, transforming next generation data science, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics into actionable strategy today

We solve high risk, mission critical challenges across strategy, management, negotiations, policy, economics, investment and market risk


Verified expertise to solve complex strategy challenges


Next generation big data, AI and predicitive analytics for data driven decision making


Manage human uncertainty through proven behavioral analytics

Target business strategy for maximum impact and value creation


Corporate Strategy Early Warning Political Risk Management
Negotiations M&A Investment Process Engineering
Market Risk Regulation Litigation Marketing


From the war room to the board room, ACERTAS delivers powerful and proven decision intelligence for elite decision makers in complex, high stakes, high return environments 

Our predictive analytics platforms help senior decision makers understand what is likely to happen, what scenarios can impact outcomes and what are the right tactics and strategies to achieve their goals

The US Government selected one of ACERTAS’ strategy solutions, SENTURION, as the number one predictive strategy capability in the world at over 90%+ accurate in anticipating and shaping outcomes

Our clients include the US and foreign governments, the World Bank, the United Nations, the African Union and numerous confidential companies worldwide

We develop winning strategies for clients based on next generation data science - from Nobel Prize winning theories in economics, game theory, advances in predictive and behavioral analytics, machine learning and computational science – proven by our verified results

Our validated solutions find, map and track human behavioral uncertainty, identifying unforeseen risks, opportunities and strategies, empowering executives to achieve their goals

Clients have employed proven ACERTAS technologies for over 17 years as advisory services, software solutions or enterprise platforms to help maximize their decision intelligence needs